Blockchain Data Pipeline
Manage Webhooks
Management of Webhooks for Contract Events can be done within the Contract Menu of the Dashboard. To view and manage your webhooks, head to the console then follow Applications -> [Your Application] -> Contracts.
Create a webhook
We use webhooks for two difference services, TX Relay and Streaming Blockchain Data API. Streaming Blockchain Data Webhooks require additional details such as the Contract ABI and events to subscribe to.
Initial Setup
Click Add Contract in the top right hand side of the console screen. Once the required Contract Details are filled in, including the ABI, the events detected will be pre populated below.
Once the Contract is created, click Go to webhooks and create a new one for the contract, selecting all your events.
Each webhook is required to have a secret. The secret is auto generated once the webhook is created.
Configuring your events
Once the contract details are inputted, the events are automatically detected from the specified ABI. A number of toggle buttons will appear allowing the configuration of specific events to be emitted to the webhook provided.
Delete a Contract Webhook
To Delete a contract, head to the console then follow Applications -> [Your Application] -> Contracts.
Once on the Contracts page, click the 3 dots beside the contract you wish to remove. It will ask you to confirm this action.